<Arrow Keys> or <A> and <D> to Move
<Space> to fire

Made in about 3 hours on a Sunday as a late contribution to an arcade themed 48 hour game jam. It was just a test of what I could do in a short time with zero preparation. 

I will come back and make the code for counting the targets more robust, at the moment it just  operates on target collision and that is a bit flakey. I'd like to see what happens when you get to level 5+ and what chaos it creates :)

It uses one free asset store sound but thats all, the rest is just Unity itself.

Its tempting to replace the prototype shapes with some real models, maybe later once the showreel is done.

What would I have done differently?
1. Lerp the target movement rather than a random translate jump at fixed time intervals
2. Think of more interesting things to do than just shoot the targets
3. Think more about the jams mutators
4. Possibly start with just the cube and add an extra piece to it for each level you complete
5. Allow for holding down the movement keys rather than a single click mapping to a single move (although that is less scuffed - see mutators)

Overall though I was happy to be able to make something from scratch in about 3 hours the morning after a big family wedding. 

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