It took two years...

It took nearly two years, but I got back to the game I love.

I challenged myself today to do as much as possible to upgrade this game, I got about 50% of the way through what I wanted to do.
The rest will be done soon, not in another two years.

Here are the 2 YouTubes, before and after.



To Do List from today:

- Record a "before" video
- Upgrade to a more recent LTS version of Unity 
(2018.4.10f1 to 2020.3.26f1) - had to fix 2 scripts
- Turn off Auto Generate lighting
- Make sure all static objects are static
- Change the fire mechanism to click left mouse rather than hold down space
- Confirm it works with WASD as well as arrows
- Animate the bird
- Make the ingame UI better
- Limit game to 60 FPS
- So much time spent building lightmaps
- Made the enemies smaller so easier to dodge (but harder to hit)
- Add grass
- Add water
- Other terrain/graphics fixes
- Fix the game loop so you have to hit play to start
- Tidy up the Main Menu and win/lose pages
- Build a downloadable version
- Record an after video
- Devlog it

Get Hama Rikyu bug bashing

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